We are delighted to announce that Dr Margaret Moreton has now accepted the role of Executive Director at the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR).
In this role Dr Moreton leads the national Institute as it develops and supports strategic thought leadership, guidance and information, resources, networks and capability across the disaster resilience sector, throughout Australia.
Accepting this role means that we are unable to take on any additional projects at this time.
Leva Resources are still available for purchase here.

What we do
We work with communities, governments, non-government organisations and other agencies to develop strategies, policies, and practical guidance developed to strengthen community resilience. In particular we assist these agencies to work with communities, to strengthen and protect community assets, plan and prepare for emergency events, and recover after an event has passed.
We also directly assist communities, community groups and organisations to plan and prepare for extreme weather events (including fire, flood and cyclone), and for other shocks or stresses.
We provide advice and assistance during the long process of community recovery, strengthening and supporting community based efforts and activities.
Finally, we conduct reviews and identify lessons learned from community-based experiences. We collect and share stories of resilience and recovery, from communities across Australia.
By doing these things, we work to further strengthen the resilience of Australian communities.
We listen to community members and value their lived experience and their local knowledge.
We strengthen community capital by working with communities and groups to identify, understand and then strengthen their assets and capability.
We support connections within and between communities by facilitating introductions and supporting processes that will build on, consolidate and expand these relationships.
We assist communities to plan and prepare for emergencies and other crises, and for community recovery. We assist communities to review their plans, their preparations and their experiences, and to learn from and share those experiences.
What makes us different?
At Leva Consulting:
We recognize the inherent resilience of Australian communities.
We believe that this resilience is demonstrated every day, and particularly in times of crisis or emergency.
We believe that the community voice must be included whenever community planning or development occurs in relation to emergency events or other crises.
We believe that long term and sustainable community resilience requires that the communities ultimately lead their own process of planning, preparation and recovery.