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Supporting document for the implementation of Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook 2 Community Recovery (AIDR 2018).
Case studies have been selected based on their utility as learning resources. Inclusion here should not be taken as an indication that these examples represent current best practice.
The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) develops, maintains and shares knowledge and learning to support a disaster resilience Australia. They are an excellent source of handbooks and other guidance to support those working in emergency management and community resilience. AIDR’s resources are built on strong evidence and research.
The Bushfire Hazards Cooperative Research Centre is an amazing source of research and knowledge about bushfires and natural hazards. The aim of the centre is to be the preferred and trusted source of such information, and they are succeeding. Their website is full of current and recent research information about all aspects of hazards and emergencies. All of their work is designed to provide a strong evidence base for emergency services and to build disaster resilience.
The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience has developed a collection of Handbooks that cover a wide range of aspects of emergency management and disaster resilience. Leva Consulting participated in an advisory capacity in the development of the Community Recovery Handbook, which provides comprehensive context and guidance to those organisations and communities that face recovery after an emergency or crisis event. All handbooks are based on extensive evidence and research, and include the views of a wide range of specialists who are working in the subject area or field.
Emergency Management Australia (EMA) is a division of the federal government Department of Home Affairs. EMA leads the Australian government’s disaster and emergency management response.  EMA will coordinate emergency response efforts if any emergency exceeds the ability of individual jurisdictions to respond effectively. EMA works with all state and territory governments to ensure effective planning and response to emergencies. They also provide financial assistance to individuals and communities affected by a natural disaster. This site provides information about how the system of government support works.
Mental Health First Aid Australia is a national not for profit organisation that develops, implements and evaluates training programs. I am accredited to provide Mental Health First Aid. This is an excellent way to consider with how mental health intersects with emergency management, and to have the skills to provide such first aid when required.
Since its inception, MUDRI’s strong interest in community resilience triggered the inspiration to create this Compendium of Victorian Community-based Resilience Building Case Studies, the first of its kind in Australia, to feature resilience-building case studies, shared learnings, insights, challenges and solutions in this context.
The Australian Journal of Emergency Management (AJEM) is Australia’s premier journal for emergency management, covering all hazards and all emergencies. From research to practice, global government to community engagement, AJEM focuses on promoting and facilitating discussion and debate at all levels of emergency management. The journal features extensive analysis, considered views, lessons learned and insights into current and future issues from researchers and practitioners.
The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) is a not for profit organisation that brings together funding from governments, businesses, and philanthropy, in order to improve the lives of those living in rural, regional and remote Australia. Given the prevalence of emergency events (drought, fire, flood, cyclone and storm) in these areas, their work specifically supports emergency planning and community resilience. They are a great source of funding for local communities, community organisations and non-government organisations. Funds are made available at regular times throughout each year and requires an application, via their website.
The National Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is the result of a collaboration led by the National Resilience Taskforce. The Framework was developed involving over 100 representatives from all levels of government, business and the community sector. The framework highlights that we are vulnerable because of our dependence of systems such as our mobile phone network, and because those systems are themselves interconnected and interdependent. This is a high level document but well worth a read and discussion.
The Australian government established the National Resilience Taskforce in 2018 to continue the conversation that began with the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience (2011).  The key message from the Taskforce is that risk and vulnerability are increasing, complex, and have cascading effects, both over time and across sectors of our lives.  The Taskforce have produced the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework, and Profiling Australia’s Vulnerability: The interconnected causes and cascading effects of systemic disaster risk. These documents contain the most current understanding of disaster risk and vulnerability in Australia, and are available on the AIDR hosted Knowledge Hub.
The National Strategy for Disaster Resilience is a high level strategic document that was developed by the federal government and agreed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in 2011. This document reflects the agreed national position on the responsibility of all levels of government, business, the non-government sector and individuals. The document emphasises the shared responsibility we all have to improve disaster resilience. This is the document that provides the context and direction for all disaster resilience work across Australia, at least from the perspective of governments.
The Red Cross is an important source of guidance about emergencies and disasters both nationally and internationally. The Red Cross Rediplan is a great resource designed to assist families and households as they prepare for potential emergency events. There are other resources that provide guidance about how to meet challenges and support people during and after an event has occurred. There are particular resources about psychological first aid, drought, donating food, and how to assist children, young people and the elderly. This site contains many valuable fact sheets and booklets.
The definitive source of guidance and information about global disaster risk. This site contains information about the Sendai Framework that aims to achieve a substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses for people, businesses, communities and countries by 2030. UNDRR has extensive information available on their website, including international statistics, publications, events, resolutions and reports. This is a highly recommended source of globally relevant education and information.
This podcast was created as the 10th anniversary of Black Saturday approached (in February 2019). Black Saturday was the most devastating bushfire to affect Victoria in recent history. Anne Leadbeater and Dr Rob Gordon are both specialists with many years experience in disaster, community recovery and trauma. Both share valuable insights about how to cope after events like bushfire.