
I was educated in both the public and private school systems and attended university in Melbourne – obtaining an Honours degree in Sociology and Anthropology. I more recently completed a Company Directors Diploma from the Australian Institute of Company Directors and am a non-executive director of a not-for-profit board – the Conflict Resolution Services (ACT).

I have worked in the public and private sectors and have operated my own business as a private management consultant. I have worked primarily in the Australian Public Service (APS) since 1985 and have worked for a number of agencies including

• the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC),

• the Department of Health (DoH),

• the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA),

• the Australian Communications Authority (ACA),

• the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA),

• the Department of Families, Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), and

• the Office for Women.

As a private management consultant I worked with a range of APS agencies during the 1980s and 1990s – facilitating strategic and Human Resource planning processes and offering training and development programs to staff and managers.

I have raised two children who are now in their early 20s. I am married and live in Griffith (ACT).

I am now undertaking a PhD at the Australian National University.  I am researching Australian community wellbeing and resilience following the experience of natural disaster.

During 2015 I have begun working with a private consulting firm – the Noetic Group.  I am working with a range of government, non-government, not for profit and Indigenous organisations.  The process of writing the PhD continues.