As we approach International Women’s Day in 2021, gender issues across Australia are in the limelight and it isn’t pretty. Allegations of sexual misconduct and rape – with alleged perpetrators on both major ‘sides’ of politics. Women are still under represented in leadership positions in most sectors and the pay gap is still a ‘real thing’…. It is all potentially depressing or infuriating. Women are angry.

As one of the ways that I contribute to my sector, I am on the Committee of the Australasian Women in Emergencies Network (AWE). We are only a couple of years old and we continue to grow. Our membership is now over 1400 and we have members in Australia, New Zealand, and scattered across the globe.

This week we came together online and heard from some key women – about their careers, the challenges they face as women, about leadership and about what inspires them. It is even more important that we continue to connect with one another, to support one another, and to continue to change the world!

If you are interested, take a look at our session – 1 hour long.