Dr Moreton has been engaged to work on key national projects designed to strengthen community resilience and support disaster recovery, nationally.

One such project involved working for the Social Recovery Reference Group of the Australia-New Zealand Emergency Management Committee reporting to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).  Dr Moreton facilitated community consultations to ensure that community voices contributed to the review of the National Disaster Recovery Principles – and in particular to focus on Principle 3: Community led approaches to recovery.  Community members from the communities affected by the Pinery Fire (SA) and the Dunalley Fire (Tas) have now influenced the review of these national principles – thereby influencing the approach to community recovery in every jurisdiction across Australia.

Dr Moreton is also a member of the Community Recovery Handbook Review Working Group (led by the Australia Institute of Disaster Resilience – AIDR).  This Working Group is reviewing the Community Recovery Handbook (from the Handbook series available through the Institute).