Dr Moreton was invited to join the Research Advisory Group that supports the project outlined below. This project is funded by a National Disaster Resilience Grant (NDRG), with funding provided to a consortium as outlined.
New research: What contributes to long-term disaster resilience?
Monash University, Women’s Health Goulburn North East and Women’s Health in the North are undertaking new research to identify how individual and community resilience is enhanced in and after disaster. Using the insights of survivors, the research aims to:
- document men’s, women’s, volunteers’ and children’s experiences of resilience in the aftermath of disasters such as Ash Wednesday in 1983, the 2009 Black Saturday fire, the North Eastern Victorian floods 1993, the Victorian floods of 2011 (and others)
- contribute to an emerging knowledge-base on long-term individual and community disaster resilience for men, women, volunteers & children